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Friday, July 5, 2019

95 AC/DC - For Those About To Rock .... salutant vos essemus

"Pick up your balls and load up your cannons, for the 21 gun salute" - it's really not subtle is it!? But then AC/DC never were.

95 AC/DC - For Those About to Rock We Salute You - Streaming on Apple Music

Let's get this straight (and as we are talking AC/DC....I have to say...no pun intended), I LOVE this album and always have. As the 70's came to a close and punk began it's morph into New Wave AC/DC stood out for me. "Dirty Deeds", "Let There Be Rock" and "Highway to Hell" seemed to a young kid to be almost one and the same as punk, just (as I'd later come to learn) a more blues infused version.

AC/DC will, unsurprisingly get a couple more mentions in this blog series (there is a certain "elephant in the room" album to be discussed) - so I'll skip a bit of the overall thoughts on the band, their legacy, impact and failings and just concentrate on this collection.

Because it's happy memories indeed. This came very shortly after that other megahit album the band produced and I could just not get enough. I had heard the lead off single "Let's Get it Up" all over the radio, and excitedly bought the second (the album title track) immediately on release (Still have it to this day)

Then a double whammy of social circumstances elevated it's standing in my mind.

A "french learning" trip to Mortain in Normandy in the Summer of '82 saw me meet many like minded friends who also seemed to love this stuff. Janice G, Jonathan G...(where are they now I wonder - sadly last touch) were huge fans and the 3 of us having the bus driver play BinB and this album cruising round the French countryside was just terrific (I'm not so sure the course leaders and many of the other students were entirely enthusiastic 😄)

Another big fan was my 1/2 cousin Amanda (or whatever the technical term is for the daughter of my cousin). Her dad was working out in the middle east and used to return on breaks with huge stacks of hooky pre-recoded compact cassettes from the local market. We used to visit our family in the North East very frequently... making the trip across the pennines, ALWAYS stopping at the fish and chip shop in Yarm (Barnacles  BTW - it is superb, and still there after all these years, visit if ever you are passing!!)

So we used to pitch up at our cousins house....it was always great visiting, I learned to ride a bike there, discovered the Peanuts cartoons from the books they had... and we shared music ALL the time (Amanda's sister Louise was more a Nolan's and Buck Fizz Fan). Amanda, at that time was "all rock, all the way" and used that stack of hooky tapes to introduce me to all manner of great stuff (including Rainbow, Michael Shenker, Foreigner, Robert Plant's solo stuff) - but she was also an AC/DC fan - and this album got plenty repeat plays.

As for the album itself... after all these years I still think it holds up. Many see this as a poor relation to the preceding album and perhaps Mutt Lange's production was getting just a little bit too squeaky clean. I'd argue that although there are less iconic songs it's every bit as catchy and riff driven and ...frankly bloody brilliant.

"Let's Get It Up" and "Inject The Venom" (trust me I'm almost laughing out loud typing the titles....they really are NOT subtle 😂) are standout examples of powerhouse riff based metal, "Snowballed" barrels along at such a pace with those superb Angus Young licks (and a pretty decent solo to boot). Every track has Brian Johnson sounding like he's destroying his vocal cords. The closer "spellbound" hints back at their more blues based roots, and of course the opening title track is just iconic and closed their set for years.

I actually don't think they were ever better...
I never got to see them live 😞 - Now Malcom has sadly left us, Brian has retired...I just can't bring myself to take the gamble on weather Axl Rose will bother to turn up and sing (admittedly well) karaoke versions of Bon and Brian's classics.... but as I said, more reflections on the band as a whole later.

This seriously just still makes me smile, and brings such evocative memories of Normandy...and the North East and very happy family weekends. AC/DC don't get much play time these days in my house...but it's still great when they do!


More later.....

Friday, June 28, 2019

Start Me Up....or don’t get me started

There have so far been AOR, bubblegum pop, and soundtracks...I’ve had my views on all of them but I don’t think any views have been especially controversial. Perhaps that is about to change.

96 The Rolling Stones - Tattoo You - Streaming on Spotify

The Stones, of course, are legendary...from ‘62 onwards they were are the very forefront of the “British Invasion”. The Who brought the rock, Yardbirds brought the blues, the Hollies brought the harmonies and the Beatles brought the innovation. The Stones brought....???and there we have it! I was not a teenager in the 60’s, all these bands came before my time and I can only make a retrospective evaluation...I was not there to enjoy the hysteria and Mick’s swagger. I have never been able to figure out exactly what the Stones brought to the party.

Now don’t get me wrong I like the Stones and they have some truly brilliant highlights. Paint it Black, Gimmie Shelter, Wild Horses, Satisfaction, Sympathy for the Devil, Angie, Brown Sugar....you can go on and on with killer hits, but I can just never pinpoint anything distinctive or innovative for them to have such iconic status....perhaps other than Mick’s voice and swagger. In my attempts to see all my favourite living legends play live, the Stones never even get a look in. I’d love to hear your thoughts.....make a counter-argument, tell me why they are so great.

All that said, I’m not ignorant to their work. I’m at least familiar with most of their albums, especially those that came out in the 80’s. I can, therefore, at least put this one in context and share my thoughts.

The geek in me has to admit to loving “Start Me Up”....the song used to launch Microsoft’s Windows 95 (and making the stones a crap ton of money in the process). To my mind, this is still the standout track in this funny old compilation and I use that word deliberately as all the songs are recordings of outtakes from the 10 years that preceded the album’s release. I have to say that as a casual listener you would not guess. Most of the songs still have identifiable blues rock roots.

Hang Fire rattles along nicely, Slave is blues’y, Little T&A gives Richards chance to pretend he can sing 😉, Black Limousine is unadulterated blues. Waiting on a Friend is a great closer with some superb sax work. Re-listening a few times before I wrote this was certainly no hardship but outside of that first killer track I was never excited. I’d love if there could be just a little more something distinctive .... just like the rest of the stones career....Ho Hum.

More later.....

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

97 Boston’s Third Stage... the laws of diminishing returns

And so (after a work imposed break), hopefully back on track in numerical order we arrive at the first of what I’m sure will be a few entries for the mega-group REOSpeedForeignerBostonJourneyKansasWagon 😜.

98 Boston, Third Stage...Streaming on Spotify

I have to admit (and forgive me if there is a theme emerging here) we were VERY unkind to the American mega groups / arena rock groups of the 70s and 80s. I don’t know who of my friends originated the name “REOSpeedForeignerBostonJourneyKansasWagon”? ..... but it’s a funny joke and does fairly accurately bring to mind that certain type of polished, tuneful and radio friendly American rock. Are they all the same?....well clearly not. A little maturity and the passage of time have allowed me to appreciate some of the great tunes these bands pumped out. It’s not like I actually disliked these bands at the time either, I simply preferred my rock to come with some harder edges and attitude. It would be really interesting to hear readers comments on bands or styles where your views have mellowed over time.

Third stage is a really curious beast. A VERY long time after “Don’t Look Back”, as a non-devotee I’d almost forgotten about the band, but it was immediately identifiable Tom Schulz’s incredibly distinctive sound…crafted by months or years of fine tuning in the studio.
“Amanda” was the big hit in the UK….and it does stick out as much more standalone than the rest of the album…a true ‘arms in the air’ stadium ballad. The rest of of the album seems much more themed, with Tom reflecting on hitting middle age. There are real standouts though…. “The Launch” and “Cool the Engines” are full of energy and “Can’tcha Say” is full of those amazing guitar harmonies we all know from the band….there is really no duff tracks on here.

But…. Outside of the lyrical territory, there is nothing really new here. You could easily argue that this is as good as the first album, but it’s just all so familiar that it has far less impact. The first time most of us heard those guitar harmonies on the first album, it was a real wow moment….here it’s just….well it’s just Boston. I’ve loved becoming re-aquatinted with this to write the blog…but a year from now, if I fancy some best in breed American Oriented Rock (AOR) action…ill be reaching back for the self titled debut. By the time the 4thalbum rolled round I’d given up altogether (I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it all the way through)…it’s interesting that in reality this is Boston’s only 80’s album given they have always sounded so 80s.

Diminishing returns indeed but I still like the spaceship!

More soon

Sunday, March 17, 2019

99 Miami Vice.....Shoulder Pads & Salmon Shirts

And so we backtrack to number 99...., I think it was sort of worth the wait as my $1.99 near mint copy of this album found it's way thought the postal system. Amazon sellers CAN be a wonderful thing!
As I mentioned, this album is not available on Spotify or iTunes either streaming or to purchase, so you will just have to play along in your head for this one

It's 1985 and Miami Vice was genuinely HUGE...20+ million viewers tuned into the American NBC broadcasts, in the UK it was the top rated drama on TV (yes...even more than Corrie or Eastenders).

Miami Vice (TV Soundtrack) - Listening on original vinyl.

You genuinely can't overstate the level of cultural impact of this show, in many ways the "style" of the mid 80s was either drawn from, or reflected in this show. South Beach Miami itself was rejuvenated in large part as a result of the increased attention the show brought on the city. Flash cars, fast boats and glitzy cocktail bars were very much hard baked into the DNA of the show.

And of course there was the fashion....if you think of the 80's for men as solid colour t-shirts with a sharp jacket (often with sleeves rolled up to the elbows)....this is where it came from! Truth be told I could never quite pull off the look, but I cannot think of a single one of my friends who did not follow in the style footsteps of Tubs and Crockett. 

Perhaps more than any show up to this time in my life, it also had a massive sense of cinematic style. It quite literally rewrote the rule-book of how a TV show could look... there is a direct line from this show to NYPD Blue, the CSI franchise, NCIS, and many more. Showrunner Michael Mann used this a platform to launch a massively successful film directing career.

Bound into the visual style was the music, musical vignettes became mini music videos, style and atmosphere were underpinned by a quite brilliant selection of contemporary tunes as well as a truly memorable score from Czech instrumentalist Jan Hammer who's tunes from the show permeated popular culture well beyond the show.

So it's no surprise that the show spawned an album (well 3 actually) - the first of these featured here. Fond memories of this record are not reflected in listening today. It's a mix of Jan Hammer's themes and tunes from artists of the day

As there is no Spotify or iTunes link....here is the track listing

1 The original Miami Vice Theme (Jan Hammer)
2 Smuggler's Blues (Glen Frey)
3 Own the Night (Chaka Khan)
4 You Belong to the City (Glen Frey)
5 In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
6 Miami Vice (Jan Hammer)
7 Vice (Grandmaster Melle Mel)
8 Better Be Good To Me (Tina Turner)
9 Flashback (Jan Hammer)
10 Chase (Jan Hammer)
11 Evan (Jan Hammer)

What you might notice about this list is that it misses many of Jan Hammer's best moments from the show. The title theme is intact, but many of the moments you are remembering did not make the cut (they are saved for albums 2 and 3). What IS present of course is Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight"... long before we laughed at the gorilla on the drum kit (American friends, google the song name + cadburys gorilla - you won't regret it 😂) Miami Vice implanted a brilliant mental image in our minds of Tubs and Crockett driving through the night, camera strapped to the front of the car.

We get a couple of forgettable Glen Frey songs (hardly up there with the best of the Eagles output)... a decent tune from Chaka Khan and an old favourite from Tina Turner.... and a truly awful track from Grandmaster Melle Mel. It's all just a bit "meh"... nowhere near as good as the show that spawned it and frankly astonishing that this shifted over 4 million copies! Later albums from the series were better, but did not sell as well, perhaps buyers were more than a little put off. That said, this was a brilliant trip down memory lane, better than watching the show which is curiously slow when watching these days.

The sun tans, the cars, the clothes..... I'm not sure it gets more 80s than this.

More later...

Friday, March 8, 2019

98 Tiffany.... Could’ve Been....a lot better ;-)

Well my good blog readers...the best laid plans... after starting at number 100, Number 99 is proving to be a bit of a problem (basically the album and many of the songs are not available on streaming, and I don’t own the album...yet)

So we skip ahead to 98 and it’s another self titled debut, this time from Tiffany Darwish the “flame haired shopping mall songstress” as I’m Sure Smash Hits called her at the time.

98 Tiffany (S/T).... Streaming on Spotify

Tiffany - Tiffany Spotify Album
Tiffany - Tiffany, iTunes Album USA
Tiffany - Tiffany, iTunes Album UK

This is a slightly odd one to wrap my head around. When producer George Tobin took a 12 year old Tiffany under his wing I'm sure he was not 100% sure of what sort of artist he had taken on.

Tiffany gained her stripes writing and performing country music. There is no doubt she has a decent voice but Tobin saw things a different way and seems to have shoe-horned her talents into a bland procession of bublegum pop. There are standout tracks "I Think We're Alone Now" is a real ear-worm and "Could've Been" is a nice MOR pop ballad (the less said about her cover of the Beatles "I Saw HIM standing there" the better) but at least half the album is forgettable 80s synth laden .... nothing.

This knocked Michael Jackson's "Bad" off the number one spot in the US!! and reached a respectable number 5 in the UK.....why? I'm sure the fact that Tiffany was a warm and likeable teenager, performing across the the US in shopping malls (Tobin's genius masterstroke) and almost every track was radio friendly had a lot to do with it. Her voice, as good as it is, genuinely feels like she would be better suited to country (or perhaps the more soulful direction she took later in her career).

I have to admit, it's the first time I've listened to the whole album. It is a perfect example of the sort of music my 16 year old self and my friends liked to be "snippy" about... We would sit around on Saturday Mornings, watching Going Live (international readers...a kids "magazine" and entertainment show, traditional activity for a lazy weekend morning) and gently make fun. Truth be told it's fine, no better or worse than plenty other 80s pop, but it's surprising to think quite how may copies this sold...I can't imagine there are many who return to this often, even if they were big fans at the time.

I certainly all grew out of my "snippy" phase.... there are plenty artists where I had that reaction that I now have a lot of time for - I think it's a peculiar aspect of being a teenage boy. I was certainly never cool enough to REALLY worry about what other's thought of my music taste, but there were certain artists that crossed a line.

Any Tiffany memories? Any bands or artists you were a bit unkind about as a teenager where you have backtracked (or even where a recent listen would suggest you were right all along!!!!)

More later (hopefully number 99 will arrive and I can get back in order)

Friday, March 1, 2019

100 Asia...Heat of the crossover

And so our journey begins.

Number 100.... Asia (S/T) (listening on original vinyl)

Asia - Asia, Spotify Album
Asia - Asia, iTunes Album USA
Asia - Asia iTunes Album UK

There is a huge irony that the first Album on our list could have quite happily had it's own entry in my previous "music that shaped me" blog style.

Asia really are a strange clash of cultures band....4 genuine prog rock legends, and a producer with stellar pop/rock credentials.... a true supergroup of their day with a "Yes" style Roger Dean album cover. Of course you might expect a noodling, head scratching flight of indulgence.

What resulted was a true AOR / Yacht Rock classic. There are key and time signature changes aplenty but, with the influence of former Buggles keyboard player Geoffrey Downes, the result, is an album with true pop credentials. Soaring choruses, catchy riffs, and the silky vocals from John Wetton.

The instantly recognisable "Heat of The Moment" is a superb opener, "Only Time Will Tell" will have many reaching for their air drums, and "Wildest Dreams" genuinely sounds like ELP, Toto and the Buggles got in a fight 😊 (in a good way).

But this genuinely hods a special place in my heart...as it was the constant (and I mean CONSTANT) soundtrack to my time spent in Wilmslow High School sound and lighting team! This motley band of us.... Me, Bill, Gareth, Robert, Martin, Nick (remind me if I've missed anyone Bill) would while away rainy lunch breaks "frigging about with amplifiers" (if the words of one grumpy Physics teacher). It was a great get out of jail card. School assembly...we have to run the mics and play and required music, rainy break or lunchtime...it's time to prep for the PTA meeting sound. Our light / sound room at the back of the school auditorium was entered through the library and was quite often just a retreat to chat and drink tea.

A lot that was great came out of my time spent in the team. I learned the basics of stage lighting (which in turn led to Amateur Dramatics, Wilmslow Guild Players and me meeting my wife!). Team members were first pick to run the film society, which was a 2 year passion project for the last stretch of my time at high school. I helped rig and light 4 brilliant school productions, including a truly superb version of Romeo and Juliet .... and it also inspired a love of lighting & sound equipment and technology in general that persists to this day (and informs my current career) and lifelong friends and connections were made.

All of the time, Asia, and it's follow up "Alpha", "Blackout" and "Love at First Sting" (both by Scorpions) were the soundtrack to everything we did, on constant rotation as we went about our work.
Time has not been too kind to Asia...it sounds a little stuck in the 70s (despite it's 82 release date), but as a slice of Pop / Prog there are few better albums.

As suggested - any thoughts on the album, any love or hate out there...any lighting / sound crew memories of your own?

More later.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s - The Project

So lets not waste too much time talking about why I’m back blogging, I am...
So what's the idea? 

Peter Dodd and others have written this fantastic series of books... each of the 100 entries has full page album art, a succinct summary and some excellent key facts.

The rankings are based on the number of RIAA and BPA platinum and multi-platinum sales awards each album has achieved. Net result is a very fair measure of albums success right up to the time the book was written, but also spanning both US and UK sales.

I’ve previously shied away from album reviews, there are plenty resources out there on the interwebs that cover such things far better than me...and I’m not a music journalist. So I plan to comment on the album, but try to put my thoughts in a personal context....what I was doing, the friends I was with, have my thoughts on the album changed over time, that sort of thing.

I’ll rigorously stick to a listening media preference. Original vinyl if it have it, modern vinyl repressing if i don't, CD as the next choice and streaming as a last resort.

If you want to pick up the book....it’s easily available at Amazon 
UK Amazon UK - 100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s
US Amazon US - 100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s

I’ll tell you how i’m listening and link to streaming sources so you can all “play along”.....and that really is the point, please do play along...share your thoughts, your memories, your love for (or hate of / indifference to) the music.

If this works I’ll be following up with the 90s and 70s (possibly even alongside the 80s, rather than wait until i’m done with all 100).

Most posts will be short enough to skim during a coffee break.

So have fun, enjoy the music and the posts .... see you tomorrow for post number 1