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Sunday, February 24, 2019

100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s - The Project

So lets not waste too much time talking about why I’m back blogging, I am...
So what's the idea? 

Peter Dodd and others have written this fantastic series of books... each of the 100 entries has full page album art, a succinct summary and some excellent key facts.

The rankings are based on the number of RIAA and BPA platinum and multi-platinum sales awards each album has achieved. Net result is a very fair measure of albums success right up to the time the book was written, but also spanning both US and UK sales.

I’ve previously shied away from album reviews, there are plenty resources out there on the interwebs that cover such things far better than me...and I’m not a music journalist. So I plan to comment on the album, but try to put my thoughts in a personal context....what I was doing, the friends I was with, have my thoughts on the album changed over time, that sort of thing.

I’ll rigorously stick to a listening media preference. Original vinyl if it have it, modern vinyl repressing if i don't, CD as the next choice and streaming as a last resort.

If you want to pick up the book....it’s easily available at Amazon 
UK Amazon UK - 100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s
US Amazon US - 100 Best Selling Albums of the 80s

I’ll tell you how i’m listening and link to streaming sources so you can all “play along”.....and that really is the point, please do play along...share your thoughts, your memories, your love for (or hate of / indifference to) the music.

If this works I’ll be following up with the 90s and 70s (possibly even alongside the 80s, rather than wait until i’m done with all 100).

Most posts will be short enough to skim during a coffee break.

So have fun, enjoy the music and the posts .... see you tomorrow for post number 1