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Thursday, April 29, 2010


When I meet new people, and they begin to get to know my music taste, there is a fairly common pattern. We find music tastes we share, we enjoy some shared enthusiasm and I quickly throw them for a loop as I rave about some band or artist at the polar opposite end of the musical spectrum ..... who they hate!!

It's really why I decided to write this blog. There are a huge number of influences on my taste in music - every one of them as important as each other. I can connect some of these influences, but many seem completely disconnected. So I'll attempt to share my thoughts, give some background and hopefully inspire some conversation and discussion.

Expect (hopefully in context) - concert reviews (both current and from the past), concert photographs, images of memorabilia, programmes and ticket stubs. But I won't limit this to just music - I'll throw in the odd theatre review too (why not....?It's my blog!)

Please chip in with your comments - keep 'em clean please, and keep the disagreements friendly (part of the idea here is to diffuse some holy wars over music tastes). Encourage people to follow the blog and I'll keep the content coming on a regular basis. In time I'll add a podcast to accompany the content, but.....baby steps first I reckon.

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