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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New, refreshed, and most of all….Back!!

Well then folks, I can’t use world cup football as an excuse this time…I was kindly reminded today that is is over a year since I last promised to update the blog….and that…..well that is not good enough to even be called a blog.

I’ve not been idle – far from it, I’ve been involved in the re-launch and rebranding of two companies (Illingworth Research and ResearchNurses.co) and many projects, long overdue, around the house have been completed.

But there are so many more stories to tell….

So I’ve spruced up the blog, got to grips with Windows Live Writer (to speed up / streamline the blogging process – and avoid the terrible spelling mistakes I’m so prone to) – fixed a couple of broken videos and well…I’m back.

I intend to fill in a few of the more obvious gaps in the “evolution of music taste” series – post some reviews of previous gigs, and those that are coming up – once I get round to buying a few tickets.

Happy to take subject suggestions – and let me know your thoughts as to how some of this content might work as a podcast.

For today – I’ll leave you with the love it / hate it hit of the summer – definitely the poolside memory from my recent trip to Greece…the cheesily excellent “On The Floor” by Jenifer Lopez…along with the original Lambada by Kaoma from which it’s derived – THIS is how to update a song!

More soon….(I promise"!)


  1. So pleased to see that you have got the blog up and running again. I loved reading your blog last year. You are a very eloquent writer but I also find your style very easy to read too. One suggestion going forward - don't make the posts too long as that way you won't find it so time consuming to write and the reader is less likely to park it and say I'll read it later when I've got more time! I do hope you get some good feedback and keep it going. PS I love the J.Lo song - makes me want to get up and strut my stuff. G x
